The most comprehensive drive protection system in the industry. consisting of Drive Defense. Data Defense and Diagnostic Defense. Seagate's Advanced Multidrive System optimizes the drive for maximum I/O performance in Multidrive environments
Technical Information
Storage Capacity: 18.35 GB
Maximum External Data Transfer Rate: 160 MBps (1.3 Gbps)
Maximum Internal Data Transfer Rate: 63.5 MBps (508 Mbps)
Rotational Speed: 15000 rpm
Buffer: 4 MB
Average Seek Time: 4.50 ms
Average Latency: 2 ms
Drive Interface: Ultra160 SCSI
SCSI Pin: 80-pin
Input Voltage: 12 V DC
Drive Type: Internal
Drive Width: 3.5'
Drive Height: 1/3H
Hot Swappable: Yes
Height: 1.0'
Width: 3.0'
Depth: 5.7'
Additional Information
Formatted Int Transfer Rate:37.4 MBytes/sec(min)
Formatted Int Transfer Rate:48.9 MBytes/sec(max)
Spinup Time:20 sec
Power-on to Ready Time:20 sec
Total Tracks:103.770
Areal Density:7.516 Mbits/square inch
Track Density:21.400 tracks/inch
Recording Density:351.232 bits/inch(max)
Recording Method:NPV
Operating Temperature Change:20 deg C/hr(max)
Nonoperating Temperature Change:20 deg C/hr(max)
Operating Humidity Change:10 percent per hour(max)
Operating Wet Bulb Temp:28 deg C(max)